Saturday, February 20, 2010

44/365: Improvising

Day 44: Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bitty was bored and when he's bored, he gets into things (that we would prefer he not get into) and makes huge messes.

So when he asked for Play-doh, I was all to happy to give him some because I knew that would keep him happy and busy for at least a little while.

Just one problem - I couldn't find any play-doh. Not to be deterred, I quickly looked up a recipe for homemade play-doh (salt dough) on the internet (I LOVE the internet!) and Bitty helped me make it in just a few minutes.

Here's the ingredients, although to be honest Bitty wasn't patient enough to let me actually measure anything very well so we did the best we could and just kept adding things until it seemed right. Well, sort of right. No matter how much flour we added it still ended up being a bit too sticky, but I got it at least unsticky enough to make the boys happy and that's all I cared about ;).

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup salt
1 cup cold water

When I asked Bitty what color play-doh he wanted (not feeling like splitting it up to make different colors when it was just going to end up all mashed together again), he said "pink" so pink it was.

Bearhug and Cuddlebug joined in to play with it too :).