Sunday, March 7, 2010

60/365: Crazzzy particles

Day 60: Monday, March 1, 2010

When it comes to artwork, obviously there's not enough room to keep everything, but I do try to keep a lot. One rule I have though, is that I don't keep artwork made with sugary food (for obvious reasons) but I wanted to preserve this one so I took pictures of it :).

Cuddlebug brought this home from school, it's about particles (for science). It made me smile to see how he wrote that the particles go "crazzzy!" when exposed to heat. I also love how the particles look strangely similar to donuts (complete with sprinkles, lol). Too cute :)

1 comment:

Penelope said...

Oh, I LOVE that! With the sprinkles, and the glitter! How cool! I totally agree about not keeping things made with food items; what creatures that would attract! I'm glad you decided to preserve it through pictures, though. It's so cute!